Once I had a boil in my armpit, I thought it will disappear later after few months but I was wrong, it did not cure. Hearing my mother's advice, I went to government health clinic after school companied by my friend in my place for a treatment because the boil has been bleeding. After getting the number, I waited for the calling .After a few minutes of waiting and I later got called to the treatment room. As it is known that in Malaysia we are lacking doctors working in the government sector, so I was attended by an assistant medical officer. Remembering the term ‘‘assistant medical officer “, I will think that they are inexperience and not qualified to do the job of medical officer (doctor). As I thought the man examine the boil I show just by seeing it and did his prescription. I was like “that is it, nothing more?” because mother told me that the person will prick the boil to make the boil to bleed out the pus and put some cream. But he gave me a prescription of pills. So I asked the man about cream or anything will be given and he said there will be a cream will be given.
With a slightly relieved feeling I went to the pharmacy and realised the sun is only until the evening, I received a packet of 30 antibiotic pills, a small box of painkiller, and a cream box. I also received warning from the pharmacist about the painkiller that the pills should be taken in case the boil inflicts pain. I was looking the pills like my eyes going to come off and my friend was laughing because it was unnatural to receive that much medicine for just a boil. Due to suspicious, I asked the pharmacist whether the medicine she gave were meant for boil and she said they are for it. As I studied in Biology, I know the antibiotic can kill all bacteria regardless good or bad in our body and the pills should be limited to a lower number. I was more scared because I have to finish all the 30 pills and another fear about the H1N1 flu pandemic is around and the pills could lower my immune system. The day itself I surf the net to find for the antibiotic side effect and found nothing harmful. But what to do, I had to take them to get cured. Even my mother was shocked to see that much pills.
The first day I took the pills except the painkiller and second day also I did the same but the third day I got fever. I was some more feared I might infected by H1N1 virus. The whole day I was covering myself with blanket because of cold. My mother felt scared also and the night my father and I went to my father trusted doctor, Bob Samuel. He examined me and injected me with something. He said that nothing to worry because it just a normal fever. He also gave me antibiotic but only 9 pills. At first I hesitate to take the antibiotic due to my so called cause of fever but he said it is alright to take them. Later after the first day of taking the medicine, I recovered but the boil does not disappear.
I was still pressing it to make to make less swollen but later I searched in the internet for a natural medicine for boil and get know about the boil:
a) Staphylococcus germs: Boils are caused mainly by staphylococcus germs. These enter sweat glands or hair follicles. The essential cause of boils is thus bacterial. However, there are several factors which predispose the growth of bacteria in hair follicles.
b) Toxic condition in blood stream: The chief factor is a toxic condition in the blood stream. This arises due to a faulty diet and a frenetic pace of living. Boils generally appear when a person is in a run-down devitalized condition.
Later I get some ways to cure it,
• Boils treatment using Garlic and Onion: Garlic and Onions have been proved to be among the most effective home remedy for boils treatment among several other remedies. Onion juice or garlic juice may be applied on boils externally to ripen them, break and evacuate the pus. Juices of both these vegetables can be mixed in equal quantities and applied on the boil for beneficial results.
• Boils treatment using Bitter Gourd: Bitter Gourd is also an effective home remedy for blood filled boils. To treat boils, a cupful of fresh bitter gourd juice can be mixed with 1 teaspoon of lime juice, sipped on slowly on an empty stomach everyday for a few days.
• Boils treatment using Milk Cream: Milk cream remedy is useful in the treatment of boils. An excellent poultice for boils cure is, to apply a mixture of a teaspoon each of milk cream and vinegar with a pinch of turmeric powder. This helps to ripen the blood boils and heal them without letting them become septic.
• Boils treatment using Betel Leaves: Betel Leaves treatment for boils is a valuable home remedy. A betel leaf is gently warmed till it softens. Coat it with a layer of castor oil. Spread the oiled leaf over the inflamed part. Replace this every few hours. After applying a few times, boil ruptures and drains out all the purulent matter.
• Boils treatment using Cumin Seeds: Cumin seeds are beneficial in the treatment of boils. Cumin seeds are ground to a paste in water. This cumin seed paste is applied to boils for beneficial results.
• Boils treatment using Margosa Leaves: Margosa leaves have proven effective in treating boils. They can be either used as a poultice, liniment or decoction with positive results. To make the decoction, boil 15 gm of margosa leaves in 500 ml water till it is reduced by one-third.
• Boils treatment using Parsley: For boils treatment, steep parsley in boiled water till it becomes soft and juicy. When it is comfortably hot, wrap it in a clean muslin or linen cloth and apply it on the boils as a poultice.
• Boils treatment using Turmeric: Applying turmeric powder on boils speeds healing process. In case of fresh boils, roast a few dry roots of turmeric, dissolve the ashes in a cupful of water and then apply over the affected areas. This solution aids boils to ripen and burst.
some suggestion for Diet for Patients with Skin Boils
• Fast on orange juice with water: Cleanse your system thoroughly for treatment of boils. Begin the fast with orange juice diluted in water on a 50:50 basis for three to four days, or go exclusively on fresh juicy fruits from five to seven days.
• Well-balanced diet: After the short juice fast or the all-fruit diet, as the case may be, a good nutritious diet should be consumed. This can help the immune system fight the infection. Maintain an overall healthy diet. This includes using fresh and unprocessed foods as close to the natural state as possible. Eat whole grains, leafy green vegetables, fruit, proteins, with a minimum of animal fat as per the daily servings. Restrict intake of sugary and refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and white rice) to a minimum.
• Avoid tea/coffee, cakes, pastries, condiments and sauces :Avoid tea, coffee, sugary starchy foods, especially chocolates, pastries, sweets, cakes, white sugar and white bread. Avoid all condiments, sauces and pickles.
But the traditional remedy that really worked for is the hot bath massage at boil. I applied a warm moist compresses or cloth my boil three to four times a day over tender areas. That indeed helps to bring the boil to a head and promotes easy drainage. My boil was just disappeared in 3 days. There are also other ways for it:
• Hot Epsom salts bath: A hot Epsom salt bath greatly benefits in boil treatment and should be used twice or thrice a week until boils persist and once in a week thereafter.
• Dry massage followed by cold sponge: daily dry massage every morning followed by a cold water sponge is another helpful measure in the treatment of boils.
• Breathing and outdoor exercises: Fresh air, outdoor exercises and breathing exercises are essential for toning up the system. Avoid constipation If constipation occurs habitually; take all measures to overcome it.
1 comment:
do some homework
i thin you can
do it
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