
Hello blog, It is been a while I spoke about things happening around me,You can stop reading from here because this might make you bored.
The truth is I am disappointed with the people around me. Yes and why? There are lot of things that grind me to burst out and even lash ,worse even hit them but then I would not lose my calm like I done before.
I just want to draw a line between them and me because I don't want such negativity in my life.
They may treat me as a joker because I point out things that might be seen serious in a funny way ,so that I won't get tangled in the misconception of my intentions but I am still immature in my ways. So, I do get misconception of idiot.
To avoid this and get offended , I should  have more self dignity , speak less with them and don't bring myself equal to them.
I don't check out girls nor indulge in substance abuse like most of my colleagues because I just didn't find it proper act to do. However, as a man, I do
admire women with good looks and character but not into the extent to seeing them in a narrow way(I hope you get what I trying to in words).
I am too used to get treated as a weird person but the truth is I myself assume myself better then the people who see me that way. Even when I get offended by their words, I just smile and try to defend my statement just one time and leave it.
Currently, I'm contend on being alone and speak less to many because I'm tired of this society of looks,materialistic, sweet talks and full of negativity.
I just can't believe that I have became skeptical of compliments given to me except it is from my parents. In addition, I became a low self esteem person. Just look what this society have to a person with big dreams and enthusiasm.
I am not saying I am a flawless individual with all perfections,I can be wrong.
I am lazy and often been aimlessly doing things that are not productive but I never said no to people who needed me.
My weaknesses are I can be ignorant,procrastinate, inactive physically, video games, irritable if stressed. I hope I could remove my own negativity from myself.
I have high hopes on achievements I could get in future but then I do not know how. Now, I want to complete my college years and graduate as soon as possible to be a medical officer .Wish me luck.

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