Flower To Who?

 Tomorow morning I am having Biochemistry Viva and I did not take any initiative to study because I am so excited about this The Avengers  and watched some of the prequel to it; Thor,Captain America and   Ironman 2.
But later I saw my flower pot and saw the flower and I realised that it is reaching it's expiry date.
What to do?
Maybe I should to give it to someone.
Should I give it to my Viva examiner?(she would love it I guess)
Should I give it to my ex-mess best friend(she will find it disgusting)
or Should I give it to my desk mate who has a almost the same name as the flower ( we don't really had a good period of time in this Block)
The answer will be tomorrow , Who will receive it?

Before that let me explain about it's preparation..
1.I cut the trunk of the flower at a lower end to make sure it is long.
2.I cut a sponge and stuff the lower edge of the stalk into the sponge.
3.I used a used biscuits carrier to make it as a handle.
Taa daa
The flower ready to be given away.
Here some of the pictures of it..


Unknown said...

Thank God you didn't give it to me. I don't like flowers because they wilt. And I'm right this morning, the flower is gonna wilt soon. I know you so well. Muahaha! Win.

Unknown said...

hehe..Okay okay...You Win...